
About: Monica

I've been the Project Director for Tulsa Initiative since July, 2007. I had worked previously for CAP in the public policy department (which gave birth to Oklahoma Policy, Inc.) between 2003 and 2006. In between the two CAP stints, I worked on performance measurement and strategic planning for Mayor Kathy Taylor. I am a native Milwaukean, but moved to Tulsa from California, where I lived for 8 years. I earned a Ph.D. in political science at the University of California, Davis, specializing in Latin American electoral laws and political party systems. So that's been a big help in my current career. My B.A. is in international relations from the University of Wisconsin. I am an avid road cyclist, and just completed my first year of racing. I have also appeared in several local theatrical productions, where I am able to let out my inner drama queen.

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